See individual feedback from participants regarding their benefit in applications and interviews.
Seminar topics have been presented in parts at several workshops for graduate schools where independent feedback was given. Read here feedback from over 30 graduate schools.
Zielführend und verständlich
"Die Seminare beleuchten die einzelnen Bereiche der pharmazeutischen Industrie ausführlich, jedoch leicht verständlich. Man entwickelt schnell einen Überblick der wesentlichen Anforderungen der verschiedenen Berufe. Die hierfür benötigten Schlüsselkompetenzen werden durch die einzelnen Seminare bestens vermittelt, so dass ich diese jedem, der sich über eine Karriere in der pharmazeutischen Industrie interessiert, empfehlen kann."
P. Donkiewicz
Constructive and comprehendible
"The seminars characterize all relevant areas of the pharmaceutical industry in detail, yet very comprehendible. Furthermore, a clear summary of the critical demands for different professions is given. Since the key skills for these professions are presented very sufficient by the individual seminars, I can only recommend them to anyone being interested in a career in the pharmaceutical industry."
P. Donkiewicz
Helpful seminar for my new job
"Thank you for these well-structured seminars. In my interview I´ve been asked a lot about the content. Best regards!"
J. Remmers
Job in pharmaceutical industry
"The course has given a very good overview of the various areas of the pharmaceutical industry and also dealt with common abbreviations of the pharmaceutical industry.The certificate helped a lot in the application phase and preparing for interviews . At the same time I had a clearer picture regarding the tasks in my new job and was able to use my knowledge from the course in the interview successfully! Thanks a lot for this!"
M. Scheler
Hig value seminar
thank you for the high value insights of your seminar, it was very helpful and interesting for me."